New support provision for Single European Sky Policy

Today, we are very excited to announce that Integra Consult, in a consortium with ALG and MovingDot, has been awarded a contract with the European Commission Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport (DG MOVE) to support the SES Policy through the NCP (NSA Coordination Platform), ICB (Industry Consultation Body) and EGHD (Expert Group on the Human Dimension of SES)

The NSA Coordination Platform (NCP) was formed in 2009 to contribute to Single European Sky (SES) implementation under the aegis of the Single Sky Committee (SSC). The NCP is a platform for National Supervisory Authorities (NSAs) to share experiences and to develop added value between NSA related activities.

The Industry Consultation Body (ICB) was established under Article 6 of Regulation 549/2004, the SES Framework Regulation. The ICB is a platform to develop joint guidance from the European industry to the European Commission and other EU bodies on strategic developments in the Single European Sky.

The Expert Group on the Human Dimension of SES (EGHD) was established to advise the European Commission on the implementation and development of the Single European Sky (SES) regarding the Human Dimension of SES.

Under the lead of Integra Consult the consortium’s main task is to support in the administrative and logistical assistance to the three consultation bodies NCP, ICB and EGHD in the implementation of key priority actions of the Single European Sky policy. This includes secretarial support to the Chairs, organisation of conferences and meetings as well as the technical management support of websites and SharePoint repositories.  

We are pleased to continue our long-standing relationship with the European Commission (DG MOVE) and to strengthen our presence in the European Commission consultation processes.