Integra Consult has continuously supported the Host Nation Norway on behalf of the Investment Committee/NATO since 1999


Overall, the objective of the APAET project is to provide the Investment Committee with an independent assessment of the programmes as a complement to the assessment/status provided by the performing organisation (NATO agencies, national authorities and Industry) and the governance structure.


The APAET project provides high-level assessment of the Air Command and Control System Level of Operational Capability 1 (ACCS LOC1) programme in determining the high-risk areas with the implementation effort (risk identification) and assessing the likelihood and possible impact of such risks.

In addition, an assessment of the current NATO inventory of AirC2 systems to define the optimal solution to be exercised for contingency (risk mitigation related to ongoing project). Involved assessing current status of capabilities, system and software foundation, system integration strategies, methodology harmonisation, COTS harmonisation, etc.

The APAET shall monitor and assess activities related to the ACCS programme which are either common funded or provide common support to ACCS nations. This is done through data collection, processing of data and dissemination of data. The project includes continuous monitoring of the performance of the programme and special assessments.


The scope of the Integra services under the APAET is expressed as follows:

  1. The Scope of Work for the APAET is to monitor and assess the following programmes/projects which are either common funded or provide common support to ACCS nations:
    (a) ACCS LOC1 Validation Phase (static and deployable entities)
    (b) ACCS Replication Phase
    (c) ACCS Theatre Missile Defence (ACCS TMD)
    (d) ACCS Software-Based Element (ASBE) (Addendum 2 C2)
    (e) Addendum 3 System Adaptation
    (f) Monitoring & Evaluation of In-Service Support of ACCS, including Mixed Model.
  2. Within the scope, the APAET is to provide high-level assessment of the projects or programmes to:
    (a) Assist the Investment Committee (IC) in its evaluation of the implementation of the ACCS Common Funded Parts
    (b) Identify and analyse high-risk areas in the ACCS implementation effort
    (c) Provide the IC with an early warning concerning major risks to the ACCS programmes such that effective measures can be taken to remove or reduce the risks, thereby avoiding negative impact on the successful implementation of the ACCS programmes.

Under the same contract Integra Consult has performed several sub-projects: 

ACCS LOC1, In-Services Support Studies (2018-2019)

APAET, Business Model Analysis (2014-2015)

ACCS LOC1, Alternative Study (2007-2008) 

Key Facts

Host Nation Norway on behalf of the Investment Committee/International staff/NATO Office of Resources

Brussels, Belgium

1999 – ongoing

For more information

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